Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Siemens 611U debug instructions

Simo ComU use software to set up and adjust the speed up debugging, maintenance schedule, but if repairs to debug live without computers or without Simo ComU software, 611U/Ue drive settings and adjustments can also be set up on the drive and operation of panel.
⑴ operator panel display
The use of 6 on the drive liquid crystal display, the drive can display the following three ways:

① turned on display.

- For the first time the new drive boot, the display will show "A1106", or "b1106", prompt commissioning personnel enter "power module code" and other initialization parameters;

- For normal work the drive, the display will show "-run", said the drive is already in the "Run" state.

In this display mode, through the operation panel "+""-"" P "key to enter the parameters displayed.

② parameter display.

Parameter Display for selecting the parameters or sub-parameter which indicates or modify the parameters or sub-parameter.

Parameters can be displayed in the "Boot status shows", "alarm display" mode, through the operation panel "+""-"" P "key to enter.

In the parameter display mode, can not normally go back to the other display, such as the need to re-boot approach, into the other display.

③ Alarm display.

Alarm display for the display driver in the last one occurred in error or warning number.

In this display mode, through the operation panel on the "-" key to enter the parameters displayed.

⑵ the use of control panel buttons

Drive configuration and operation of the panel layout has "+""-"" P "three buttons, depending on the circumstances, the respective keys have the following effects.

① parameter display.

In the parameter display mode, the button functions as follows:

Individual click "+": increase of parameter No. "1", or select the next parameter number;

Single click "-": decrease parameter number "1", or the choice of a parameter number;

Separately by "P": display sub-parameter number, or display the parameter values;

Press the "+" and "P": Fast search down the other parameters;

Press the "-" and "P": fast up and search for other parameters;

Press the "+" and "-": the use of dual-axis drive, display the same parameters to another drive shaft.

② sub-parameter display.

In the sub-parameter display mode, the button functions as follows:

Individual click "+": increase in sub-parameter number "1", or return to the parameter display mode;

Single click "-": sub-parameter to reduce number "1", or return to the parameter display mode;

Separately by "P": display sub-parameter value;

Press the "+" and "P": Fast search down to other sub-parameters;

Press the "-" and "P": fast up and search for other sub-parameters;

Press the "+" and "-": the use of dual-axis drive, display the same sub-parameters of the other drive shaft.

③ parameter value display.

In the parameter value display mode, the button functions as follows:

Individual click "+": an increase in the last parameter value "1";

Single click "-": a reduction of the final parameter value "1";

Separately by "P": Back to the parameters or sub-parameter number display;

Press the "+" and "P": a rapid increase in the parameter value;

Press the "-" and "P": the parameter value rapidly reduced;

⑶ parameter settings and changes

Drive parameter settings follow these steps:

① connected to the drive power, the drive displays "-run";

② Press "P" button, the display into the "parameter display" mode;

③ According to the needs of the use of dual-axis drive, for the first two parameters of the drive shaft changes should also press the "+" and "-" key to show the first two-axis drive parameters;

④ Click "+", parameter numbers increase, select the parameters P0651;

⑤ Press "P" key, indicating P0651 parameter values;

⑥ Click "+" several times, set P0651 parameter value of "4" (or other value), lift the "parameter protection";

⑦ Press "P" button to return to parameter number display;

④ ~ ⑦ ⑧ follow the steps one by one to change the parameter values need to be amended. When the value of change is larger, you can press the "+" and "P" key, so that a rapid increase in the parameter value; or press the "-" and "P", so that rapid decrease in the parameter value;

⑨ change is complete, follow the steps ④ ~ ⑦ P0652 set to "1", the implementation of "parameter write" operation, the drive parameters will be automatically sent to the FEPROM from RAM to store. Write is complete, parameter P0652 automatically revert to "0."

⑩ reset the P0651 parameter value of "0" so that effect is written to protect.

1 comment:

  1. can you help me activating the debug mode on the siemens microwave hf35m562? pls i really need help



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